19 January 2021 - Positive Carbon and Energy Balances for the production of dehydrated alfalfa

19 January 2021 - Positive Carbon and Energy Balances for the production of dehydrated alfalfa

A look back at a press conference on 23 November 2020 in which FARE participated.

FARE participated in the press conference organized by the alfalfa dehydration industry, during which P. Thiébeau presented the carbon and energy balances of dehydrated alfalfa production and their update for the years 2016-2019.

The results of his work showed the positive evolution of these balances to produce dehydrated alfalfa. This is the result, in the space of 10 years, of an improvement in the techniques of pre-haying in the field and an orientation of the sector towards the use of a dehydration tool that consumes less energy and integrates significant proportions of renewable resources, forest wood chips and miscanthus.

Contacts: Pascal Thiébeau (pascal.thiebeau@inrae.fr) & Sylvie Recous (sylvie.recous@inrae.fr)

Conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL8i-JkUNgg

Press contacts: https://www.reussir.fr/grandes-cultures/luzerne-deshydratee-nous-sommes-de-bons-eleves-sur-lenergie-et-le-carbone; https://www.entraid.com/articles/la-luzerne-produit-du-stockage-de-carbone

Modification date : 06 June 2023 | Publication date : 19 January 2021 | Redactor : P. Thiébeau / S. Recous / G. Paës