11 January 2021 - Portrait of the new 2020 FARE recruits: Hugues Clivot

11 January 2021 - Portrait of the new 2020 FARE recruits: Hugues Clivot

FARE has recruited three new agents in 2020, this beginning of the year is a good time to introduce them.

Hugues Clivot did his graduate studies at the Universities of Reims (Bachelor's degree in biochemistry) and Strasbourg (Master's degree in microorganism biology), then obtained a PhD in microbial ecology prepared at the Laboratory Interactions, Ecotoxicology, Biodiversity, Ecosystems of Metz (CNRS-University of Lorraine).

Hugues had a diversified career before his recruitment in FARE. He was a teaching and research associate at ENSTIB in Epinal and ENSAIA in Nancy. He also conducted research at the Laboratory in Agronomy and Environment (LAE) in Nancy on soil microbial activities, and developed his experience in modeling carbon and nitrogen fluxes in soils in several research laboratories, at INRA in Laon, at Terres Inovia, at LAE in Colmar and at the Center for the Study of the Biosphere from Space (CESBIO) in Toulouse.

In FARE, Hugues is recruited as a research engineer. He works on the improvement and development of numerical models of organic matter decomposition, soil-plant systems and agricultural activities from field to territorial level, such as CANTIS, AMG, STICS, MAELIA... He develops decision-support tools dedicated to the agronomic and environmental assessment of agricultural practices for the management of organic resources such as crop residues, plant litter or organic waste products.

Contact: Dr Hugues Clivot, hugues.clivot@univ-reims.fr

Modification date : 06 June 2023 | Publication date : 11 January 2021 | Redactor : H. Clivot / G. Lashermes / G. Paës